
GOF 命令行帮助

Usage: gof [options] netlists

netlists Netlist files to be loaded. There can be multiple netlist files listed, if the design has more than one netlist files.

options: -h Print out this info.

-lib Specifies liberty file (technology library). There can be multiple -lib options, if the design has more than one technology library files.

-v Specifies simulation library file name which has verilog definition for leaf gates, like AND2X4. There can be multiple -v options, if the design has more than one simulation library. -lib should be used unless the leaf cells defined in simulation library are true black box

-vmacro For ECO purpose. Each module in the file appears as leaf cell, and it can be added like other leaf cell in ECO. When write out ECO netlist, the file content appears in the beginning of ECO netlist. And the ECO cell is added as a hierarchical sub-block.

-run Specifies ECO script name. The script is compatible with Perl syntax. gof stays in shell mode when the script finishes.

-shell Runs in text mode with shell prompt, GofCall APIs can be run in interactive mode in shell.

-o Specifies log file name, default gatesof.log.

-Top_1 Specifies another netlist files to build Top_1 tree. The hierarchy will shown up in left side of GofViewer window. -Top_2 -Top_3 ... can be used to load more netlist files. Note, when this option takes all netlist files followed, so the main netlist files should appear before this option. For example, 'gof -lib tsmc.lib imp_netlist1 imp_netlist2 -Top_1 ref_netlist1 ref_netlist2' will create two trees in the left side of GofViewer window. While, 'gof -lib tsmc.lib -Top_1 imp_netlist1 imp_netlist2 ref_netlist1 ref_netlist2' will build only one tree, since Top_1 option takes up all of the netlist files, the main tree is gone.

-ref Specifies reference netlist files.


-id Specifies design name. The name appears on GUI Window tile bar.

-def Specifies DEF file (Design Exchange Format). There can be multiple -def options, if the design has more than one def files.

-defverbose Reports all def error, otherwise only first 10 are reported.

-lef Specifies Library Exchange Format file. There can be multiple -lef options, if the design has more than one lef files.

-sparelist Specifies spare cells list file.

-parallel Define parallel processing CPU Core number. Set the number to zero to disable parallel processing. By default, the tool picks a optimal number according to the host CPU setting.

-f Loads all the files and options in the file_list_file

-vcd Specifies VCD file for schematic annotation

-textbutton Text mode button instead of image mode button in ECO operations

-version Prints out current version and exits.

-licquery Queries license usage.

-------------------------------------------Examples----------------------------------------- gof -lib tsmc.lib soc.v Loads one netlist file 'soc.v' and one technology library, 'tsmc.lib'

gof -lib tsmc_std.lib -lib tsmc_io.lib top.v part0.v part1.v Loads three netlists, top.v, part0.v and part1.v, two liberty files tsmc_std.lib, IO cells, tsmc_io.lib

gof -lib tsmc_std.lib -lib tsmc_io.lib -v analog_models.v top.v part0.v part1.v Loads analog cells in verilog library file analog_models.v all analog cells are black boxes.

gof -lib tsmc_std.lib -lib tsmc_io.lib -vn macros.v -v analog_models.v top.v part0.v part1.v Loads macros.v as macro cell

gof -lib tsmc.lib -def soc.def.gz -lef libcell.lef soc.v Loads Design Exchange Format file soc.def.gz. And library exchange format file for layout view usage.

gof -lib tsmc.lib soc.v -run Processes netlist with is in Perl syntax and support APIs

gof -lib tsmc.lib top.v -vcd top.vcd Loads VCD file for schematic annotation.

gof -lib tsmc.lib imp_netlist.v -ref ref_netlist.v Loads both implementation netlist and reference netlist, can be used in netlist comparison.



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